A man holding a guitar in front of him.


The new and improved pedalboard

Here is the new pedal board. I’m getting a lot of questions about my sound and equipment, so here are the pedals for now. The rest of the gear will be posted soon.
To make it easier for you, here is a break-down:
1. Vox Wah pedal-not really into wah effect, but a lot of the studios are asking about it, so I gave up(lol)
2. RC Booster – the best clean booster that I’ve heard so far.
3. AC Booster – the angry brother of the RC. A lot of uses …mostly as a distortion boost.
4. Red Snapper – THE BEST overdrive yet! And I’ve heard a lot of them.
5. Pinnacle – unreal distortion sound. Check the front page of www.guitarlessonsnyc.com
6. Supa-Trem- again not really into tremolo effect but it makes a lot of people happy, so I’m happy.
7. Arion-EWS stereo chorus- a good one, but I also like the Boss CE-2. More about them to come…
8. AD-9 maxon- an awesome analog delay pedal. It’s not cheap, but it’s really worth it.
9. DD-7- great digital delay I’m using it mostly for distortion sounds, just make it sound bigger.
10. Vol Pedal – always need one to be in the mix of the band; getting one, a singer will love you more!
11. Yamaha Tuner – I bought it 20 years ago! It is still working and is still great.

That’s it for now. I’ll explain them more deeply later on.
Practice well!


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